At every turn, I find that the policy makers of this world want to control women and women’s bodies. The latest news to hit my radar is that the FDA wants people (almost always women who work from home) to pay an annual registration fee to sell their reusable cloth menstrual pads on the grounds that they’re supplying ‘medical products’.

It wants the annual fee to be almost $4000.


lower or eliminate the registration fee for makers of reusable menstrual products.

FDA Regulation #884.5435 states that a reusable menstrual pad maker must be FDA compliant (pay a yearly registration fee). The fee is $3,646 for 2015; and an est. fee of $3,872 for 2016.

This fee is unattainable for most reusable menstrual pad makers which are operated on a small scale. Unlike a corporation, these small businesses cannot afford to pay such a large yearly fee to register with the FDA. This high of a yearly registration fee will shut down business; stop the owner’s income; and weaken the local economies. If this registration fee does not lower; it will also greatly increase the price of large scale pad makers.
Small businesses are the strength of the American economy and the backbone of American freedom (American women should have the choice and money to make the choice).

If you think this could only happen in America, don’t be fooled. If you live outside the US, please don’t think you’re immune from such ridiculous red tape. Governments worldwide are always looking for more ways to generate their income, and if they hear of this then no doubt it will spread to other countries.

Take back your power, women, and speak up.

If you’ve not read my book Cycle to the Moon, there is a pattern inside for making your own menstrual pads.



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