A Continuing Professional Development Course


This course is suitable for celebrants at any stage of their career.


You’ll learn to enhance your writing style, and not only find, but celebrate, your voice. By learning techniques to free your imagination, your writing will set you apart from other celebrants in terms of style, tone, creativity, passion and flair.


Whether you’re new to celebrancy, or have been scripting ceremonies for years, this course will put a fresh slant on your work. Not only will you be able to create a rich and enlivened vocabulary, you’ll also be able to intuitively adapt it to the nature of your clients.


Learn to write visually, source ideas from the world around you, be constantly open to inspiration, discover reader identification, and take pleasure in developing your craft.


This CPD Creative Writing for Celebrants course is done via two Skype sessions (one hour each), and a series of ten writing assignments to be completed over three months.


This course is especially for celebrants who wish to be conscious, proactive, and inclined to become the best version of themselves. It is open to celebrants anywhere in the world.

You’ll need:

  • A laptop
  • Skype
  • Microsoft Word Document programme
  • Time to write
  • Commitment to completing the course

Course fee: £250

*A Certificate of Creative Writing for Celebrants will be awarded on successful completion of all assignments.

About your tutor

Veronika has been an international celebrant for 23 years, and is also an author, novelist and former magazine editor.  www.veronikarobinson.com




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