Entries by Veronika Sophia Robinson

Wedding Celebrant in Cumbria

    You’ve booked your wedding venue, and now you want to make your day extra special by choosing a wedding celebrant? Great! You can do the ‘legal bit’ at the registrar’s office on the day of your choosing. The vast majority of my couples don’t do the legal requirements on the same day as […]

Festive Grief

Festive Grief. It seems odd to put the two words together and yet the reality is that you or someone you know will experience grief during what is considered to be the ‘happiest time of the year’. Christmas Eve 2016 In the tradition of my German ancestors and ancestresses, I always celebrate Christmas on Christmas […]

Diploma for Celebrants

Our Diploma in Advanced Celebrancy and Ritual is a rigorous and life-changing course in all aspects of celebrancy and rituals across all rites of passage. It is taught by Veronika and Paul Robinson. Together they bring rich and varied real-life industry experiences and knowledge to ensure that you receive the best possible training, and that […]

The Confidential Celebrant in Cumbria

In celebrant life, it’s such a joy to share photos from our ceremonies whether it’s of wedding couples, the venue, décor, cake, floristry, landscape/seascape or with other ceremonies, such as words of reflection about a moving funeral.   What isn’t talked about so much, or shared, in modern celebrancy is the role of confidentiality. All […]

What Does a Celebrant’s Fee Include

Each celebrant sets their own fee based on either undercutting other celebrants (a busy celebrant does not mean a good celebrant), staying midrange and in line with many of those in their area, or at the high end to attract wealthy clients. My fee isn’t based on what other celebrants charge or on a client’s […]

Wedding Celebrant in Cumbria

Well hello! My name is Veronika Robinson, and I’m a wedding celebrant in Cumbria. I’m actually an Aussie, but have lived here since 1999. I began my celebrancy career back in 1995 in New Zealand, and have officiated across all rites of passage, internationally. I’m also a celebrant trainer and publisher of The Celebrant magazine. […]