
blogeliza1BANGOR UNIVERSITYToday ranks as a VERY proud mummy day.

As some of you know, until last year my daughters were home educated. Our approach was very laid back: child-led, free range learning.

Bethany did two years of A levels in one year, and is off to Bangor University (School of Music) in 30 days!

Today we got Eliza‘s results. She did so well in her GCSEs! She, too, did two years of school work in about 9 months…we couldn’t be happier with her results:

A star for her science practical;
A for English Literature;
A for biology;
Bs overall for science, English language and history (and a handful of As for coursework).

And get this: She started maths at foundation level, and worked her way up 4 grades to the highest level maths and has come out with a B.

There’s so much to be said for letting children choose their learning path and deciding if/when they choose formal education.

