When Saturn first kissed my ascendant, a few days before Christmas last year, my elder daughter and I were sitting in the car at the train station. She’d just got off the train from university, and wanted a chat with me before I drove her home for Christmas break.
I had been wondering for months, maybe longer, what Saturn crossing my ascendant would tell me. As a Capricorn, Saturn is strong in my natal chart. I was determined it would be a conscious transit, and not wipe me out. After all, I love Saturnian energy. By nature, I’m disciplined, focussed, determined, a planner, reliable, responsible and every other Saturnian word.
“I’m pregnant,” she said to me casually waiting to see my reaction.
I almost had to laugh at how literal Saturn’s message was. Saturn, the great marker of time and age, was slap bang on my ascendant (identity). So, I am going to become a grandmother. This was the most amazing news, and I was overjoyed!
I knew at some point Saturn would retrograde, and discovered it would come back to this exact point at the time my grandchild was due to come Earthside, and also at the time my younger daughter would leave home for university.
So, my precious, beautiful, delightful, gorgeous granddaughter, Sarah Hope Carlile, has arrived Earthside. And what a joy! She also happened to arrive on my husband’s 68th birthday. Becoming a grandfather for the first time was a pretty awesome gift.

Late at night on Paul’s birthday upon hearing the news that our granddaughter and niece had arrived Earthside. Oh the joy!!

A natural waterbirth makes Sarah a 2nd-generation waterbaby! In 1995, I set up the National Waterbirth Trust in New Zealand to help other women access information on birthing in water.
And in nine days Eliza leaves for university, officially leaving me with ‘an empty nest’. Well, whoever came up with that term clearly has no idea that my life is anything but empty. But what is true is that Saturn crossing the threshold (over my ascendant), at the same time as my Chiron return (in my 5th house), is bringing change to who I am. I have invested twenty-one years of my life as a mother, for the most part in quite concentrated ways, such as home educating and publishing a holistic parenting publication for twelve years of that time span.
I may be a ‘young’ grandmother (48), but I plan to be a fit, healthy, happy and fab one.

My first run after becoming an Oma (grandmother). I intend to be one fit grandmother to our beautiful Sarah. Thanks to Saturn on my Sagittarius ascendant right now, I am discovering the discipline that comes from using my legs (Sadge rules thighs/upper legs)
I have had many dreams of Sarah during her mother’s pregnancy, and if there is one thing I learned in that time, this little girl will have quite a sense of humour. Our synastry shows that our bond will be strong, despite the miles between us. I look forward to getting to know her, and watching her parents blossom as their family life unfolds.
Next week, I will wave off my other daughter as she flies the nest and explores this amazing thing called life.
The family home will always be open to my little chicks, but oh my how full my heart feels to watch them flying, flying, flying.
Saturn may be considered a karmic planet, but let us remember that karma isn’t ‘bad’. It is the story of what you sow, shall you reap.