Just preparing to publish issue three of Starflower Living. It will be available on Monday from www.starflowerpress.com If you’ve not yet tried some Starflower inspiration, you can download the first issue FREE. Subsequent issues are just £2.50 to anywhere in the world, and instantly downloadable. Enjoy! Love, Veronika xxx
Jupiter conjuncts the Sun today, in Leo. Such expansive energies. As a prelude to the New Moon in Leo on Saturday night, I’d like to let you know that issue two of Starflower Living is now available from http://starflowerpress.com/living/index.shtml
Enjoy! Veronika
Happy New Moon in Cancer! This is the time for nourishing home and family, and taking care of ‘the nest’. You can download your FREE copy of Starflower Living now.
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01768 898 748
07717 222695