The years of peri-menopause and menopause are often shrouded in words like: hot flush, weight gain, and an assortment of other physical symptoms. However, the physical body is not the only way we express and experience ‘the change’.
Increasingly, women are finding that there are a host of inner changes happening too, and one of those is in relation to self, identity and how we are in our marriage (significant relationship). Finding the balance between self and relationship can be a time of great soul searching.
If you’d like to take part in a creative three-hour workshop (via Zoom) on this topic, please get in touch for a booking form. Alternatively, if you’re interested in contributing to my research on this, you’re welcome to do so. Your contributions will be treated confidentially.
Marriage, Menopause and You WORKSHOP
9am to Noon (UK time)
Saturday 4th December 2021
A three-hour workshop exploring the psycho-spiritual changes of menopause, and the balance between self and relationship.
Through writing, symbolism, creativity, and reflection, this is an opportunity to take a deeper look at your internal landscape while in the company and support of other women.
Facilitated by Veronika Sophia Robinson
Via Zoom.
£15 per person
Places limited. Booking essential.
Veronika Robinson is the author of Cycle to the Moon; Celebrating The Menstrual Trinity: Menarche, Menstruation, Menopause, and an assortment of other books. She facilitates workshops for women, including the menstrual trinity; and as a celebrant creates all manner of ceremonies, including weddings, parting of the ways, sagesse and crone ceremonies. Veronika is a psychological astrologer, and weaves deep-level symbolism into her work.
Yes please ?
hi Maria
Thank you for your comment. I’ll send through a questionaire in due course, and am really grateful that you’ve taken the time to write and share your thoughts. With my best wishes, Veronika
Hi Veronika I’m interested in contributing to your research into the self / identity / marriage in relation to the peri menopause / menopause. I find myself questioning things that I have never questioned before and looking back at myself when I was younger and wondering why I didn’t question those things then, mostly to do with religion and marriage.
hi Maria
Thank you for your comment. I’ll send through a questionaire in due course, and am really grateful that you’ve taken the time to write and share your thoughts. With my best wishes, Veronika
My heart jumped with excitement and gratitude when I seen your workshop.
Sign me up please.
I’m in the middle of all these musings
Who am I
What do I want
Why am I so very changed
What’s happening to me, to my relationship, to my patience and tolerance.
Cannot wait for this discussion.
Thank you Veronika for hosting it.
I look forward to sharing the journey with you. x