Entries by Veronika Sophia Robinson

Not-so Organic British Eggs

One thing I’m always banging on about to my teenage daughters is: read the label! You may not know, but in 1993 when I worked as a media officer for the Royal New Zealand Society for the Protection and Care of Animals, I wrote a book about the history of the RSPCA in NZ (The […]


The War Within

  There’s a lot of discordant energy in the air, particularly over the situation in Palestine and Israel. I see anger in my Facebook newsfeeds; people urging others to take action (or take sides). And there’s anger that others aren’t expressing their anger over the situation. Away from the media frenzy and propaganda, I am […]

Raspberries and a Red Dress

Oh how I’m loving these warm (by British standards) Summer days. Some of my deepest nourishment comes from walking barefoot around the garden, sampling raspberries, cherries, strawberries and gooseberries. My garden is my sacred space, the place I come to commune with my Higher Self. It grounds me, and it raises me. My senses are […]