In honour of World Breastfeeding Week, let me introduce you to (or remind you of) my book, The Drinks Are On Me: everything your mother never told you about breastfeeding. Published by Starflower Press. There is also an Italian translation (available in Italy).


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Jupiter conjuncts the Sun today, in Leo. Such expansive energies. As a prelude to the New Moon in Leo on Saturday night, I’d like to let you know that issue two of Starflower Living is now available from

Enjoy! Veronika

Issue TwoIssue 2 of Starflower Living, out next weekend. Topics include: Inside the mind of an Ironman, and how to use that mindset for daily life; Leo New Moon; one woman’s discovery of creativity at midlife and how it changed her; maintaining zest for life; wild courage; return to the red tent; chamomile; heart meditation; play: honouring the inner child; earth medicine for vitality; and scrummy recipes.

If you sign up to Mailchimp, I send out an email each month when it’s out. Love, Veronika xxxxxx



Invitation for Submissions, 2014

Starflower Living (digital magazine) is now seeking submissions for issue 2, publishing July 26th. Due date for articles, photographs or art, July 10th. Please send to: office (at) starflowerpress (dot) com or veronika (no space) robinson (at) hotmail (dot) com



Themes sought for our New Moon in Leo issue include: the heart, courage, pride, fierce determination, fire, passion, love and romance, playfulness, creativity and celebration. (Health-related topics: back and spine, heart, exhaustion, inflammations.)

We seek articles that are original, and haven’t been published (or submitted) elsewhere in print or digitally. Please ensure the work is your own, and is of a professional standard. If submitting art or photographs, please make sure you have written permission from the owner.

Issue 3 themes for the New Moon in Virgo (due date August 8th): healing, healers, helpfulness, service, mentoring, diet/exercise, perfectionism, discrimination, efficiency, weight management, mind/body/soul, alternative health care. Health: solar plexus, bowels and intestines, digestion.

Issue 4 themes for the New Moon in Libra (due date, September 6th): Love, partnership, marriage, kindness, balance, fairness, co-dependency, harmony, beauty, counselling, peace, décor, diplomacy, companionship, grace, luxury and elegance. Health: kidneys, adrenals, sugar imbalance.

Issue 5 themes for the New Moon in Scorpio (due date, October 4th): soul mates, sexuality, transformation, empowerment, letting go, old baggage, psychology, secrets, depth of character, compulsions, deep emotional connections, debt, inheritance, jealousy, abandonment. Health: sexual organs, organs of elimination, menstrual cycle, sexual diseases.

Issue 6 themes for the New Moon in Sagittarius (due date, November 2nd): optimism, faith, adventure, freedom, truth, travel, publishing, horses, expansion, higher learning, Nature, conscience, friendliness, universities, philosophy. Health: thighs, sciatica, liver, hips.

Issue 7 themes for the New Moon in Capricorn (due date, December 1st): self-discipline, commitment, public image, aging, success, reaching goals, financial security, ambition, respect, fathers, and tradition. Health: knees, skin, bones, joints, gall bladder/stones, arthritis.

Starflower is also known as borage. Borage comes from the Celtic word borrach which means courage. Starflower Living is a publication dedicated to holistic and courageous living.

StarflowerLivingcover-1-3D-renderedIf you’ve ever read any of my books, you’ll know they’re published by Starflower Press. I’m pleased to announce our new digital magazine, Starflower Living, Naturally, which will be published on the New Moon each month. The launch issue, publishing June 27th New Moon in Cancer, is free!

This first issue features articles on the journey to becoming the wise crone; calendula; floatation therapy; sacred sexuality; letting your hair go grey naturally; gardening by the Moon; earth medicine; finding your beautiful voice; making a difference; vegetarian recipes; the new Moon in Cancer, and more.

Did you know that May 28th is Menstrual Hygiene Day?

Why not help increase awareness of the female menstrual cycle?

My new book, Cycle to the Moon: celebrating the menstrual trinity (menarche, menstruation, menopause), is now available to order from my website.



If you’d like me to sign a copy for a niece, daughter, sister, friend or granddaughter, leave a note in the ‘paypal note to seller’ section.

With love, Veronika xxx



Some people, like myself, thrive on change. For others, it’s not so easy.



Regardless of personality type, change is something we all face. It’s is part of human destiny, individually and collectively. Even Nature and the Universe are in a constant state of change. The planets are always moving, and the seasons on Mother Earth are always changing.



Change, it seems, is inescapable. I wrote my children’s book Blue Jeans with the theme of change in mind.

Here’s how it was reviewed in The Mother magazine:

Blue Jeans, written by Veronika Sophia Robinson, and illustrated by Susan Merrick

Blue Jeans is a heart warming story that at its heart tugs at every mother’s heart. It’s the story of how children grow too quickly as is evidenced by the rate they grow out of their clothing.

Written from the perspective of a pair of blue jeans, this book covers quite a number of themes: moving, making new friends, accepting changes, letting go of someone we love, and the value of recycling and upcycling. While probably not meant to be the central themes of this book, they do come up and would make great talking points with younger children.

Blue Jeans belonged to a city family, but when he was outgrown, he moved to the country as hand-me-down jeans for a country cousin. On the farm at his new home, he quickly grows to love the differences between city and country and falls in love with the country way of life.

The book paints an idyllic picture of life, with TV-free evenings, children doing chores on the farm, gathering wood, collecting herbs and vegetables to store for the Winter and sell at the market.

When the mother in the story patches his knees and passes him on to a younger sibling, Blue Jeans is happy again to have a few more years of adventures with his country family.

Blue Jeans is perfect for those who enjoy a longer bed time story.


BlueJeanscoverAvailable from my website, Starflower Press, good bookshops, and online retailers.

Cycle to the Moon: celebrating the menstrual trinity, is publishing in just a few weeks!



Spend £10 or more on my website this Bank Holiday weekend, and we’ll send you a free copy of Cycle to the Moon (offer available worldwide)…

Quote VR blog when purchasing. Offers expires Midnight GMT Monday 26th May 2014.

Bluey'sCafecoverlowresBluey Miller lives a charmed life in Calico Bay, a small rural town on the east coast of Australia. She built her popular wholefood café from nothing, and it has garnered a well-deserved reputation for world foods. When her mother dies, Bluey discovers that there was far more to her mother’s life than she’d realised. Why so many secrets? As she begins to unravel her mother’s past, she’s left wondering about their relationship. They had been so close over the years, yet now Bluey feels like she didn’t know her at all. Her very identity hangs by a thread. Who am I? she wonders. Who was my mother?

Seemingly insurmountable challenges lie ahead, and Bluey must face them without her mother by her side. She finds strength from her local community and daily nourishment from the welcoming atmosphere of her café, but is this enough? Drawing succour from the Australian bushland around her, friendships, emerging spirituality, a life-changing romance, and the memories of good mother love, Bluey must somehow find enough courage to allow the best of the past to become the foundation for her future.


This is my second novel, and is available on Amazon, from good bookshops, or I do hope you enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed telling Bluey’s story. Love, Veronika x

When I was pregnant with my daughter Bethany, I knew straight away that I wanted a waterbirth. I so strongly resonated with the sea that I swam with dolphins off the coast in the far north of New Zealand.

Seconds after giving birth at home, by candlelight and Mozart, to my daughter Bethany.

Seconds after giving birth at home, by candlelight and Mozart, to my daughter Bethany.

I met with a woman who’d had five waterbirths, and she shared a book with me by Elaine Morgan, called The Descent of Woman. I immediately resonated with her theory of evolution which cites recent geological and anthropological evidence that large areas of Africa were flooded and covered by vast seas, with the exception that some upland areas were islands. Her theory is that one group of apes adapted to an aquatic environment, and when the water receded new ecological opportunities opened up. We lost our hair because it was better to keep warm in water by a layer of fat inside the skin than a layer of hair on the outside. It certainly helps to make sense of the reflex babies have which allows them to be born underwater.

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We were made to float, it would seem: it’s in our genes.

I’ve always loved water. Warm water. Whether that is because of my connection to my mother’s gorgeous womb, or the ancestral memory of my foremothers, I don’t know. Maybe it’s both. When I float in the water, am I remembering them “bobbing blissfully” and hearing the surf in their ears? Could that shallow salt sea of five million years ago still be so readily heard? I’m certainly open to the possibility.

When I bumped into a friend last week, I had no idea that she’d taken over a local complementary therapy centre. I was really interested to hear about the floatation tank. It sounded peaceful. Paul and I jumped at the chance to have a float.


What I didn’t realise was what a valuable tool it is for health and well-being on so many levels.


I’ve just finished reading The Floating Book: Exploring the Private Seas, by Michael Hutchinson. I can’t recommend it highly enough. I love it when I can match intuition with science.


I wish I’d known about these studies, and had the experience of floating behind me, when I wrote my book Natural Approaches to Healing Adrenal Fatigue. Floating is the perfect antidote (cure) for the rush of hormones which cause stress. An hour in the tank gave me more energy that afternoon than I’d had in ten years. The beautiful thing about floatation therapy is that the effect lasts much longer than your time in the pool. It can last days, and for some people, weeks.

Floating not only alters the set-point to help us lower adrenal activation, but also increases our tolerance for stress. It significantly decreases blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen consumption, blood lactate and muscular tension.

If you suffer adrenal fatigue, it’s worth knowing that floating decreases levels of fight or flight chemicals such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, ACTH, and cortisol. Floating counteracts the fight or flight response. That’s just from one float. And the beauty of it is that is has a maintenance effect, lasting many days after. Studies show that it alters the metabolism (or homeostatic set points). It enhances our relaxation response.

Not only is floating great for easing pain or injuries, and bringing relaxation to our bodies, it has been proven an ideal way to enhance visualisation, due to the effect on the brain waves. Studies show it is an invaluable tool to learning, too. When we float, we are in the ‘zone’, a place of pleasure that allows us to literally go with the flow. Many people have experienced enhanced creativity, inspiration, life-changing insights, and gratitude for life by floating.

I look forward to making floating a regular part of my life, and giving my whole being the nourishment it desperately needs.

If you’re in Cumbria, why not have a floatation session at or look up one local to where you live.