I’m all for setting goals, writing lists, and making things happen. I’m a Capricorn! I know what it’s like to have your eye looking at the top of the mountain.

When it comes to creating our dream life, it’s important to have a clear vision of our future. However, and this is perhaps where many people get caught out in terms of manifesting their reality, it is in the minutiae of life that the dreams put down their roots.

That little mountain goat might well have his eye on the mountain peak, but it is in each and every step with his little hooves that he makes his way there, navigating crevices and rocky paths. He knows that he must eat. He must rest. And surely he must take in the breathtaking views. The goat might be focussed on his destination, but his message to all of us is that it’s the journey which matters.

We can dream of living in a castle, for example, but if we don’t take care of the tent we’re living in, then our subconscious will keep getting the message that we don’t care about the home we live in.



We can dream of meeting ‘the one’, but if on a daily basis we’re not loving, caring and nurturing ‘the one’ (ourselves), then the message we keep creating is that we’re not worth loving and respecting.

We can dream of big overseas holidays and seeing the world, but if we close our eyes to the messages and symbols evident in our daily life then we’re unlikely to grab the significance of what it means to truly head over the horizon.

We can dream of excellent health, but if our daily habits sabotage what it means to create a vibrant body then things are unlikely to change.

We can dream of being wealthy, but if we don’t value ourselves then our purses will always reflect that.

The big picture is always seen in the little picture. To change our life means we have to consciously create our day.


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