For this weekend only (April 26th & 27th), if you book an astrology reading with me, you can have a second one for someone in your family for free. You can purchase your reading online: Sessions are by phone or in person (at my home in Cumbria). I look forward to sharing the secrets of your birth chart with you. ~ Veronika x
Please can you let me know if you do readings for children (5 and7) and what the cost would be please? I wouldnalsomlole them for myself and husband. Thank you very much
hi Kelly
I do readings for people from birth onwards. The price is the same regardless of the age of the person. Forhis weekend only, I have a two for the price of one offer on. ~ Veronika
It is £75 for a one-hour reading.
Hi sis Just thought I’d say hello and ask a favour, I took Mathheus out of school Just wondering if I have made a mistake a quick astro forecast may help. He is signed up to do a graphic design course (online) being shy he doesn’t leave the house so joining a group or doing sports is out of the question
so a little clue would be great 7/11/1999 thanks heaps