There’s a lot of discordant energy in the air, particularly over the situation in Palestine and Israel. I see anger in my Facebook newsfeeds; people urging others to take action (or take sides). And there’s anger that others aren’t expressing their anger over the situation.
Away from the media frenzy and propaganda, I am connected to people who search for another way. Some dedicate their crafts or energy to peace.
When you’re someone who likes to do things, and take action, it can become a desperate struggle to get your voice heard. If it feels right to sign a petition or send messages through your FB newsfeed, then do so. If others don’t want to participate in that form of action, then they shouldn’t be shamed into it, either.
A metaphysical approach to the situation NOT just between Palestine and Israel, but every war in the world (especially the ones which don’t make it onto the news because, frankly, there’s no vested interested from the so-called superpowers: aka, money) is to look within and search for the ‘war’ inside yourself. Where are you battling? What is the war ~ the bombing, the fighting, the killing, the raping and all the other atrocities ~ that’s going on inside you? Where aren’t YOU at peace with yourself?
I ask these questions not in any way to trivialise what is happening to those people, but because whatever we see in the world is a reflection of us.
Quantum physics
teaches us
that a ‘thing’
only exists when we observe it.
Just the other day I saw a news item which upset me deeply. An Australian couple rejected their Down’s son and left him with the surrogate mother. They took his healthy twin sister.
Every time we see/hear a ‘story’ in the world that impacts us, it is an opportunity to look within. I asked myself: what baby/project have I rejected because I haven’t considered it ‘good enough’ or because I’m scared that it won’t be accepted by the outside world? Again, this isn’t to dismiss the sadness or enormity of that particular situation, but to see my own prejudices. Every time I publish a book and ‘put it out there’, I’m terrified of it being rejected. I’m excited when the book is published and it’s my hands, but the letting go of it? That’s a whole different story!
I once heard a woman say that if she ever had a Down’s baby she’d flush it down the toilet! Her words have haunted me in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. Is our world so disconnected; are we, as humans, so separated, that we can’t join together and see that despite our outward differences we are all one?
We each come to this earth on a journey ~ a spiritual journey in a human body. For some of us, we will have challenges to our physical body, others to their mental body; and others still will endure sacrifices and demands to their wealth, self esteem, health, career, home, country, and so on.
The war between Palestine and Israel teaches me not only to be grateful for the home I live in, my healthy family, friends and right livelihood, but it reminds me to keep practising the ancient Hawaiian forgiveness prayer:
I love you
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
By saying this prayer, over and over, we take ownership for the situation we’re witnessing, and in turn, it releases the person/event.
If we want to see peace in the world, we have to start with ourselves. Peace begins at home. Remember that old saying: when you point the finger at someone, your other three fingers are pointing back at you!