For as long as women have walked upon the Earth, their lives have been guided by the pull of the Moon. There was a time, however, when we cycled to the Sun rather than the Moon.




To talk about our Moontime, and indeed, to make menstruation a mainstream topic, has taken quite some work. We still have a LONG way to go. To bring this most fundamental aspect of being a woman into the limelight is to reclaim our sacred femininity from behind the closed doors of one of patriarchy’s great taboos.



“Our menstruation is our honesty.

It tells us what the world denies.

It is a mirror of our diet, emotions, beliefs, cellular memories, dreams and the world we live in.”

~ Cycle to the Moon, by Veronika Sophia Robinson

“Modern statistics relating to menstruating woman
are taken from huge cities,
about women whose lifestyles
are not in accord with Nature.”
~ Cycle to the Moon, by Veronika Sophia Robinson

Blood is not dirty. Menstruation is not filthy. Bleeding each month is not a curse.

The menstrual-hygiene industry is raking in the big bucks and perpetuating old myths. However, like childbirth, it is true that many women suffer. I would like to add that they don’t need to suffer. Our culture tells them otherwise. Voices in the wilderness speak out against the cultural soup and whisper “there’s another way”. Those of us on the edge of culture try to bring light to the lives of women who suffer with menstrual ‘conditions’. It’s important to ask ourselves: did Mother Nature really want us to suffer with migraines, cramps, bloating, bad tempers and heavy bleeding? I don’t believe so. In fact, the more we look at the lives of our ancestresses we see that the ‘menstrual’ curse is a recent phenomenon in female history. It is in direct proportion to the degree with which we concur with the modern lifestyle: lack of exercise, poor nutrition (caffeine, sugar, dairy, gluten, alcohol), inadequate sleep, stress, EMRs, pollution, lack of immersion in nature, too much screen time, etc.

“The vagina and its excretions (mucus and blood)

are a mirror of the foods and non foods (that is, junk) we put into our body.”

~ Cycle to the Moon, by Veronika Sophia Robinson



There are many resources available these days to guide women on how to heal their cultural patterning around menstruation.

Here are some relatively recent additions to menstrual-healing literature.

Cycle to the Moon: celebrating the menstrual trinity ~ menarche, menstruation, menopause
by Veronika Sophia Robinson; illustrated by Susan Merrick

ISBN 978-0-9575371-4-9
185 pages pbk

Based on my workshops: Sacred Cycle, and Cycle to the Moon, this book offers practical support for every woman wanting to understand herself better. It is a celebration of the menstrual trinity: first blood of the maiden; the cycles of mother; the last blood of the wise crone. This contribution to holistic menstruation reaches beyond culture, taboos and maternal conditioning, and touches the heart of what it means to be a woman. In the style of a journal, this book invites the reader to celebrate her body through reconnecting with her cycles.

Sisters of the Silver Moon
By Veronika Sophia Robinson
ISBN 978-0-9931586-1-2 (Pbk and Kindle)

Although this is a novel, it was inspired by Cycle to the Moon, and touches on women’s bodies by introducing the reader to the lives of four generations of women and their different experiences of menarche, menstruation and menopause, as well as childbirth, as told through their stories of family, home, love, loss and forgiveness.

The sustained motif in the novel is that of the ever-changing, powerful Moon.

Azaria Linden, the community herbalist, spends her days tending herb gardens, concocting lotions, potions and tinctures, beekeeping, and being a mother to four grown-up daughters who have left home. Her handcrafted life is the envy of many, but when the lives of her children change in dramatic ways, she wonders if she can keep it all together. Is it possible to still live a heart-centred life when everything around you is falling apart?



Reaching for the Moon – a girl’s guide to her female cycles
By Lucy Pearce
82 pages. (June 2013)
ISBN: 1482363038

Written for girls aged 9-14 introducing them to the menstrual cycle in simple, soulful language, taking the form of a gentle, meaningful initiation into womanhood. Reaching for the Moon incorporates stories, real women’s experiences of their first periods, and answers girls’ most burning questions about periods and their bodies in a loving, age-appropriate way:

Contents include:
* Ideas on how to celebrate their first period.
* Practical guidance on choosing sanitary products. * Holistic health care for the menstrual cycle.
* Guidance on self care as an emerging woman.

This is the guide that empowered and caring mothers, aunts and godmothers want for the girls in their lives.

*Lucy is currently releasing an updated edition.



Moon Time: a guide to celebrating your menstrual cycle
By Lucy Pearce
144 pages. (February 2012)
ISBN: 1468056719

A guide for all menstrual women from 14- 40. Referred to by readers world wide as “life changing”. Moon Time will help you to embrace all aspects of your menstrual cycle, heal PMS, develop self care practices and reconnect to your body’s natural rhythms. It is the first book in print to explore the new phenomenon of red tents as places for women’s retreat, and shares how to create a red tent for yourself and your community, as well as how to celebrate a girls’ transition to womanhood.
Signed paperback version £9.99



Recommended Books
Bennet, J. & Pope, A. (2008) The Pill: Are you sure it’s for you? (Allen and Unwin, released in UK by Orion 2009)
Bennett, J. (2002) A Blessing not a Curse: A mother daughter guide to the transition from child to woman, Sally Milner Publishing, Bowral, 2002.
Bennett, J. & Naish F. (2004)The Natural Fertility Management Contraception and Conception Kits
Diamant, A. (2002). The Red Tent. London: Pan Books.
Shushann, Movsessian, Puberty Girl, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 2005Naish, F. Natural Fertility, Sally Milner Publishing, Bowral, 1991, 4th Ed. 2004
Northrup, Christiane Dr. (1998) Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. New York: Bantam Books,
Owen, L. (2008). Her Blood is Gold. Dorset: Archive Publishing.
Pope, A. (2006) The Woman’s Quest—unfolding women’s path of power and wisdom. A thirteen–session self–guiding course, self published, 2006. Available from
Pope, A. (2001). The Wild Genie: the healing power of menstruation. Bowral, Australia: Sally Milner Publishing. (out of print, second hand copies may be available on the web)
Richardson, D. Tantric Orgasm for Women, Destiny Books, Rochester, 2004. (Diana’s website:
Singer, K. (2004). The Garden of Fertility: A Guide to Charting Your Fertility Signals to Prevent or Achieve Pregnancy–Naturally–and to Gauge Your Reproductive Health. New York: Avery
Weed, S. New Menopausal Years: The Wise Woman W – Alternative Approaches for Women 30–90
Weschler, T. (2001) Taking Charge of Your Fertility


Resources for Holistic Menstruation
The Red Tent Women’s Project is a diverse and dynamic community of women who are catalysts for social change. By creating safe and empowered spaces we facilitate community building, information and resource exchange, and personal growth for women and girls.
We sell cloth menstrual pads, an alternative to disposable pads and many different brands of menstrual cup. Menstrual cups are made from silicone, latex or plastic. They are a reusable, safe, alternative to tampons. All of our menstrual products are reusable – just right for the eco conscious consumer.
Beautiful cloth pads
One new moon pad = 100 – 150 disposable pads
Periodical about menstruation

Welcome to Moonsong, a website for women.Reclaiming feminine power through reconnection with the women’s mysteries. The women’s mysteries are: the shamanic journeys of our rites of passage of menarche, childbirth, and menopause; the spiritual practice of menstruation; the inner, spiritual and shamanic journey of pregnancy, birth and mothering; and menopause as rebirth. The information within Moonsong will help the healing of the wounded feminine and reawaken feminine power for the benefit of all.
You will find information and tools, for menstruation, childbirth, connecting with the cycles and passing on this wisdom to our children.
Author of Red Moon

Author of Her Blood is Gold
We stock fair-trade organic cloth pads, wool pads, moon sponges and cups, cycle charting and wise woman books, Moon Maiden Menarche gift sets, Postpartum pad sets and new mother gifts sets and lots more!

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