Entries by Veronika Sophia Robinson

Full Moon

On any given day, I’m fairly conscious of what sign the Moon is transiting. As an astrologer, I know my natal (birth) chart inside out. Understanding where the Moon is at any given time allows me to live my life in a more natural rhythm. There are days when I’m naturally more creative and desperate […]

Ten Books

    Ten books which have shaped my life, in no particular order: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz The Four Agreements are: 1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power […]

Vegetarian Living

Do you love good food? If you’d like to win a signed copy of my recipe book, The Mystic Cookfire, leave a comment below telling me your favourite vegetable! Competition ends on the equinox. The Mystic has more than 280 recipes suitable for vegetarians, vegans, and believe it or not, carnivores.


Personal Growth

If ever there was a zodiac sign to represent personal growth, it’s Scorpio. I am now taking submissions (writing and art/photography) for issue 5 of Starflower Living magazine. Issue 5 themes for the New Moon in Scorpio (due date, October 4th): soul mates, sexuality, transformation, empowerment, letting go, grief, old baggage, psychology, secrets, depth of […]


Celebrating Autumn

Autumn has arrived in Cumbria. The garden rewards me with handfuls of blueberries. Such a treat! It won’t be long till I have to start ordering in firewood, but for now, my main celebration of Autumn is: enjoying the elderberries and rosehips, autumnal mists in the fields, and in the use of foods in my […]


A Beautiful Birth

Many years ago, in fact it was the first time I was living in England (about 1994), I heard a voice in my dream so real that I wondered if it was a dream. The voice said to me: You will write The Beautiful Birth book. At the time, I was working as a Media […]

Change is in the air

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning here in the Eden Valley: birdsong; sunshine pushing its way through the clouds; the view of green fields, fells and trees from my writing room. I’ve felt the shift towards Autumn for several weeks now. It’s not in the leaves, so much as the light and the chill in the […]