As we descend into the darker days and nights here in the Northern Hemisphere, that tendency to go into hibernation mode is amplified. If ever there’s a word for change, it’s Autumn.
The expansive vibrance of long, stretched-out Summer days and evenings has now long waned into the Turn of the Wheel… How do we trust this change? How do we carry the high enlivening energies of Summer into the impending darkness?
Around me the apples and pears are being harvested, the hedgerows beckon with their gifts of sloes, rosehips and blackberries. I even picked raspberries this morning!
Above the ground, the leaves have faded and fallen, but out of our sight, the roots grow strong, deeper, doing their work for next Spring.
The chilly wind, the heady scent of the damp earth as I tread lightly upon the woodland floor, the familiar smell of bonfires at twilight, and the darkening nights ~ these all draw me into the centre of myself. They urge me to go inwards.
Mother Earth is always my first port of call when it comes to healing, nourishment and learning about life’s lessons. I open my heart to Her, waiting for whispers of wisdom for how I can balance my inner life with my outer work in the world. How do I nourish myself so that I’m able to be of service? Despite the chill in the air, I still open my windows and let her gentle breezes go through my home and heart so that I can take Her with me as I step into the dream-time part of the year. I do so knowing that I take the awareness of the thought-seeds I’ve planted, and what I might hope to witness blossoming when I arise from the other side of Winter. I don’t do this lightly.
As a barefoot gardener, I’m well versed in the understanding that we must learn to trust the seeds we plant. We can’t keep opening up the soil to see if the seeds have germinated. Trust. Patience. Care. These are the watchwords of growth.
Our sacred self always has the ability to grow, but it needs the right environment. How commonly the media uses Springtime to launch its articles and programmes about detoxing, but this seems counterintuitive to me. Spring is a time of growth! Autumn, now there’s a season to teach us about letting go of what no longer serves us.
Leaving behind our sorrows, rage, regrets, anger, disappointments and betrayals at the door of the descent into the Underworld of Autumn and Winter, allows us to remove the heavy cloak of burden and pain so that we can unfurl, release, and then prepare to spiral into the highest version of ourselves. Tell Mother Earth of your burdens, and let them go!
Learn to trust yourself, and daily ask:
What brings me more energy?
What sustains me?
What are my deepest pleasures and joys? Do I allow these into my life?
What raises my vibration to a higher frequency?
For myself, these are questions I can answer easily. Maybe it’s because I know myself well and I’m not afraid to meet these needs, or maybe it’s based on years of experience.
. Flowers
. Sunshine
. Hot showers
. Jasmine oil
. Incense (Nag Champa)
. Walking in the woods
. Long hot baths by candlelight
. Moon bathing
. Reading
. Music
. Carefully chosen company
. Solitude
. Birdsong
. Rain on the roof
. Mangoes (if they’re truly ripe)
. Laughing
. Meditating
. Drinking spring water
. Writing in my gratitude journal (both things that I already have, and those I wish to have/be/experience)
. Being massaged
. Swimming
But equally, I have also learnt (often the hard way) what lowers my vibration. Choosing to minimise these as much as possible ensures that I am able to live at a higher-vibrational frequency on a consistent basis. It means honouring myself, first and foremost, and sometimes this can mean disappointing others.
. cigarette smoke
. gossips
. perpetually negative people
. the news
. two-faced people
. tabloids
. heavy metal or rap music
. horrible smells
. cruelty/bullies
. ugly views
. arguments
So, fill your days and evenings with pleasures. Don’t be afraid to turn off the TV and write in your journal, listen to your favourite music, sip hot chocolate by the fire, sleep in on a day off, or dance beneath the Moon. Do what makes your heart sing, for surely the more happy hearts there are in this world, the closer we become to world peace.
May your journey through Autumn and into Winter be filled with the realisation of what you have to let go of (people, places, beliefs or things), and replaced with joy, self-love and laughter.
With Christmas approaching, I often see an increase in book sales. If you’re wanting to purchase books directly from my website, can you do so before December to allow plenty of time for Royal Mail to deal with the Christmas rush, and also to ensure I can get new shipments in time in case I run out of any titles? As usual, I’m happy to sign all books and write dedications with the wording of your choice.
For anyone who has been contemplating doing Celebrant Training with me, I’m pleased to say I now offer a five-day training course for a Certificate in Advanced Celebrancy and Ritual as well as the two-day training for a Certificate in Celebrancy.
These are both done at my cottage in Wreay, near Carlisle. (easy access off the M6).
Keep warm!
Veronika xxxxxxxxxx
How beautifully written, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts and feel inspired to think more consciously about how to fill up and keep my inner fire burning. Xxx
Thank you for your kind words, Sophie x
Dear Veronika,
I have it very clear this Autumn: letting go if what doesn’t serve me (and hence those around me).
Thank you for your gentle and inspiring words.
Much love
I hope you’re well Anne-Marie xxx
I love what you have written here so much.
I am going to share it if that’s ok.
I am also going to come and do celebrant training this year. I am saving hard to do so. I will look at your 5 day course. Are details on your website? X
hi Laura
Yes, all the info about the courses is here:
I’d love to teach you!
How very perfect – I’m entering my time of increased psychic energy, manifestation and delight. Struggling with a whole host of negativity that I’m protecting myself from but need to engage with at some level. Going within to move forward. Blessed Be xx