Entries by Veronika Sophia Robinson

Celebrant’s Notebook: Children at Funerals

By Veronika Robinson   Across the years, the question of whether children should be ‘allowed’ at funerals has remained a sensitive topic. There’s no definitive black-and-white answer, however, I would like to share the case for, and place of, children at funeral ceremonies. A few years ago, my best friend ended her life. It coincided […]

Celebrant Training: do you know the difference between certificates based on aptitude and those on attendance?

    When searching for a celebrant-training course, it is vital that you’re aware of a distinct difference between outcomes. Some organisations give anyone who attends their course a certificate which declares them to be a ‘professional celebrant’.     As a celebrant trainer, there are deep concerns that I have with this approach. It means that […]

Third-generation Astrologer

As a child, I was mesmerised by a particular room in our home. It was my mother’s astrology room, and we were forbidden from entering. Busy raising eight children, my mother cherished her own space to develop her skills and knowledge of all things astrological. My middle name is curiosity! I had to know what […]

Achieve Whole Body Health With These Simple Lifestyle Changes

This guest blog is written by Joyce Wilson www.teacherspark.orge: joyce@teacherspark.org Despite the importance of health as a personal asset, too few people prioritise whole-body health. Sure, many people maintain healthy diets and exercise regularly, but few individuals make lifestyle choices that can improve their health from head to toe. If you value your health and […]

Why Does a Celebrant Charge So Much?

“You charge HOW much?” is a question many celebrants hear from prospective clients. On the surface, it’s a fair question to ask particularly if all you think celebrancy involves is “standing up to speak for 20 or so minutes!” This blog is an invitation into my life as a celebrant so that you can see […]