Entries by Veronika Sophia Robinson

Soul Sisters

    I remember the birth of my little sister, Ramona, so clearly. I suppose it’s particularly strong because my dad was looking after me. He spent most of my childhood working overseas, but for my sister’s birth he was home. I was obviously upset at my mother’s absence, and he went out of his […]

In My Kitchen: Pinto Beans & Sweet Potato

I adore cooking (unless I’m exhausted). Beans and pulses soaking overnight in water, fresh herbs on a sunny windowsill, chatting with my husband or daughters. The scent of freshly ripped basil leaves or ginger or lemon zest invading my senses. Delicious.   All these things, and more, make a kitchen feel like home. The scents […]

Living a soul-filled life

The lilac is ready to burst into blossom. When it does, that lovely tree adorning the space by the front gate, will release a scent so sweet and delectable I’ll be able to smell it as soon as I walk out the front door. I can’t hurry it into bloom. It will be ready in […]

Looking good after birth

A lot of controversy on the internet about whether Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge, used a surrogate to give birth, because, they claim, a woman can not look that good after giving birth! Here’s the truth: a natural, unmedicated birth can be a time of ecstasy, and for some women, birth is orgasmic. FACT: Women look great […]


The Novel as a Mirror

I saw a quote recently that said something along the lines of: when reading a novel, the reader should see themselves in there. It should act as a mirror to some part of them.   I’d like to share this beautiful letter a reader has shared with her friends regarding my books and upcoming author […]

Sisters of the Silver Moon

I’m pleased to announce that my next novel, Sisters of the Silver Moon, is publishing this June. It is the first book in a trilogy. The cover art is by the talented Sara Simon who just happens to be celebrating her birthday today. Happy birthday, Sara!   Book description: Azaria Linden lives an idyllic life […]

The Voice of an Angel

Do you ever come across a singer and find that their voice really ‘fits’ you? When I was writing my ‘ideal man’ list a couple of decades ago, amongst my top-five requirements was a man who would sing to me. Never imagined that the Universe would send me a professional singer! Music is such an […]

We Still Do!

Last Saturday, my beloved and I celebrated our twenty years together with a Vow Renewal ceremony. To share this beautiful expression of love with our dearest friends has been one of the highlights of our lives. To be held in the heart of a community sharing their love is priceless. Here are a few pics […]