Entries by Veronika Sophia Robinson

Slow Parenting

In this issue of Starflower Living magazine, FREE to download, you can find the following articles:   • Sage by Claire Thompson • First Blood Ceremony by Veronika Robinson • Slow Parenting by Veronika Robinson • Water Meditations by Samantha Rock Cooper • Health Notes • New Moon in Aquarius • Walk in Her Shoes […]

The Happy Parent

Yesterday afternoon I awoke from a nap to find my 17 year old daughter standing next to my bed, smiling. She said to me that I looked happy. I thought about that a lot for some time later.     I’ve become so mindful about weeding negativity from my life in all its insidious forms, […]


Walk in Her Shoes

I have signed up to walk FIVE miles a day for a week to raise money for Walk In Her Shoes (run by Care International) which will help bring water to villages. Most women/girls in some places walk five miles a day to provide water for their family leaving little time for anything else. I’d […]

That life-changing transit

It was 38C when we left sunny Australia on February 6th, 1999. Eliza had turned one the week before, and Bethany was a month shy of three. We landed here with ten pounds to our name, Paul’s ventriloquist doll (who, by the way, is still earning his keep!), and several suitcases. This was our life: […]

The Middle Child

Ah, the middle child. Often overlooked, unseen, tucked between siblings. Child-placement experts refer to the middle child as the invisible one. It’s easy to see why. The first child causes great excitement (or terror!) in the family. The second child (especially if it is the opposite sex) is usually given a thrilling welcome. Now, here’s […]

In at the deep end

  I recently began swimming again after about a decade out of the water. It’s been a month now since I decided to make a habit out of swimming about four times a week (plus a couple of aquafit classes). What is interesting to me is how often I hear people mention that swimming lengths […]

A Room of One’s Own

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the many ways my parents acted as positive role models for me and my siblings. When my dad built our home on 700 acres of land, he included a lounge room for himself and a room for my mother. This was in addition to their bedroom.         […]

Attachment Parenting Teenagers

Inside issue 8 of Starflower Living magazine:   •Editorial •Irena Sendler •Motherwort •Holistic Breast Health •A Metaphysical look at Miscarriage •Health Notes •New Moon in Aquarius •Mercury Retrograde •In My Kitchen •Attachment Parenting Teenagers •A Gift of a Job? •Palmistry FREE to download here: http://starflowerpress.com/living/index.shtml

When I say goodbye

  One of the first lessons in A Course in Miracles is: you are never angry for the reason you think. I like to change the word ‘angry’ to other things from time to time, such as sad, happy and so on. It reminds me of our many layers, and what complex beings we are. […]

The Transformation Game

  On the first night Paul and I spent together, I had invited him for dinner. Afterwards, my flatmate pulled out something called The Transformation Game. It was created at Findhorn (the spiritual community in the north of Scotland).   It’s unlike any other board game I’ve ever played. Each player asks a question relevant […]